Today 18 October, 2024 year

Terms of use of the Website

These Terms of Use of the site developed by an individual entrepreneur "S-Tranzit", represented by IE "SA", acting on the basis of a certificate of state registration COUPON № KZ00TWQ02935460 in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the procedure for using the Site is established.
The subject of this agreement is the information services provided by the website (hereinafter referred to as S-Tranzit).  The administration of the S-Tranzit website reserves the right to change the terms of this agreement without any special notice to users.
Basic concepts and definitions used in these Rules:
Website - an online resource, i.e. information (in text, graphic, audio-visual or other form) placed on a hardware and software complex having a unique network address and (or) domain name and functioning on the Internet;   
User – any natural or legal person who has visited the S-Tranzit website.
The stated functions are a list of tasks performed by the S-Tranzit website. The stated functions are implemented only in full compliance with Technical Requirements.
Site Objects - the totality of the results of intellectual creative activity (including: documents, articles, other information that is posted on the S-Tranzit website, access to which and (or) the formation of which is carried out through the S-Tranzit website, , information, materials, articles, texts, design, graphic content, images, illustrations, photos, videos, music, visual design elements S-Tranzit website, symbols, brand name and service mark of S-Tranzit, as well as other objects of the S-Tranzit website), protected by intellectual property law, the legal owner of which is S-Tranzit.
Computer incident - separately or serially occurring failures in the operation of information systems, information resources, information and communication networks that pose a threat to their proper functioning and (or) conditions for illegal receipt, copying, distribution, distortion, modification, destruction or blocking of information circulating in them.
S-Tranzit has the right to impose restrictions on the use of the S-Tranzit website for all Users, or for certain categories of Users (depending on the User's place of residence, the language in which the service is provided, etc.).
The User must not perform actions on the S-Tranzit website aimed at causing Computer Incidents.
The Company has the right to monitor (record and statistics) User actions on the S-Tranzit website.
The main service of the site The purpose is to provide an opportunity to post and publish information and announcements about free cargo and transport, search for cargo and transport for international and other types of cargo transportation. 
Administration publishes only thematic transport and logistics and relevant data in its services. We also publish information about international cargo transportation, consulting services, car services for general use.
User registration on the S-Tranzit website is free and voluntary
In the registration form, the user provides only truthful and accurate information about himself as an individual or his company - name and address, contact person, phone numbers, email address, etc. By registering on the site, the user agrees to send him an SMS to the phone or / and to send promotional mailings to e-mail, and promotions on the site.
When registering, the User is obliged to read and accept these Rules, if the User considers the Rules unacceptable to himself or the User does not agree with their terms, then the User is obliged to stop the registration process without completing it.
The personal data provided by the User during registration must be reliable. The user is solely responsible for the security (resistance to guessing) of the password chosen by him, and also independently ensures the confidentiality of his password. 
The User undertakes not to disclose to third parties the personal data specified by him during registration. If the User has suspicions about the security of his unique login and password or the possibility of their unauthorized use by third parties, the User undertakes to immediately notify the Company of any unauthorized use of his login and password.
By specifying a valid email address and/or cell phone number, the User confirms that he has access to them and has the necessary authority to use them.
After registering on the site, the login and password are activated, and from that moment the user gets access to the personal account (account). It contains the User's personal data, his login and password, information about the status of the User's account, as well as other information determined at the discretion of S-Tranzit. 
The User's access to his Personal Account is carried out by using a unique login and password.
The User's personal information contained in the Personal Account is stored and processed by S-Tranzit in accordance with the terms of the Agreement on the Protection of Personal Data of Users.
The Personal Account grants the User the right to:
Access to information about the services available and/or rendered to the User on the S-Tranzit website;
Monitoring (accounting and statistics) of User actions on the S-Tranzit website;
Communication with S-Tranzit in the form offered by the Company;
Perform other functions offered by the Company.
The User has the right to use his Personal Account for authorized access to the Objects of the S-Tranzit website.
The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the S-Tranzit website through the User's Personal Account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data for access to the User's Personal Account to third parties on any terms (including contracts or agreements). At the same time, all actions within or using the S-tranzit website under the User account are considered to be performed by the User himself, except in cases when the User has notified the Company of unauthorized access to the S-Tranzit website using the User's Personal Account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his password.
The User is obliged to immediately notify S-Tranzit of any unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Site using the User's Personal Account data and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of Personal Account data.
The Company has the right to block the User's Personal Account, delete any content without explanation if the User violates the terms of the Rules and other documents regulating the relationship between S-Tranzit and the User.
Some sections of the S-Tranzit website and services provided by S-Tranzit are available only after payment for such services. The amount of the payment may vary depending on the volume of services provided by S-Tranzit. Any payment made by the user in favor of S-Tranzit on the S-Tranzit website can be refunded within 30 days after payment at the request of the User.
All suggestions and questions from the User regarding the use of the S-Tranzit website should be sent to the S-Tranzit support service at (mail) .
Within three working days, the S-Tranzit administration provides feedback to the user, and feedback from Users is also maintained around the clock through any of the following methods: (mail).
The user has the right to leave comments (reviews) on the S-Tranzit website. 
By leaving a comment (review) on the S-Tranzit website, the User grants for an unlimited period of time to S-Tranzit the right to reproduce it "as is" on the S-Tranzit website and in other sources, both with the indication of the User's Personal Data and anonymously, as well as the right to record, process, translate, with the right to Visitors or other Users of a non-exclusive right to use it by viewing, reproducing on the Site and other sources, at the same time, S-Tranzit does not verify the completeness and/or reliability of this comment (review) and does not bear any responsibility for such use and its consequences.
It is strictly prohibited to use obscene words, swearing, offensive expressions in the text of comments (reviews), regardless of the form and to whom they were addressed. Including when replacing letters with symbols. 
The User must have a valid email address that the User has access to. At the same time, the Company does not guarantee and is not responsible for the impossibility of receiving messages from the S-Tranzit website due to restrictions on received messages set by third parties on mail servers, including spam filters that identify the Company's messages as spam or questionable emails.
The User must have a valid cellular number of the mobile operator to which the User has access and have the necessary authority to use it.
The S-Tranzit website contains hyperlinks to other websites on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as third-party websites). These third parties and their information (content) are not checked by S-Tranzit for compliance with certain requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, harmfulness, etc.). The Company is not responsible for any information, materials posted on third-party websites that the User accesses using the S-Tranzit website, including for any opinions or statements expressed on third-party websites, advertising, etc., as well as for the availability of such sites or content and the consequences of their use By the user.
A link (in any form) to any website, product, service, or any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the S-Tranzit website does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) on the part of S-Tranzit, except in cases where this is directly indicated by the S-Tranzit website.
S-Tranzit grants the User a non-exclusive right to use the Objects of the site without receiving income (direct or indirect commercial benefit) from such use, exclusively for their own consumption.
Any other use of S-Tranzit Site Objects in a manner other than clause 7.1, not expressly permitted by the Rules, without the written permission of S-Tranzit is prohibited and illegal.
All Objects of the site may be reproduced, reprinted and retransmitted in any media (hereinafter referred to as the media), on Internet servers or on any other media only with the written consent of S-Tranzit. In case of obtaining the written consent of S-Tranzit to use the Objects in the ways specified above in this paragraph of the Rules, the Site Objects are used with a mandatory hyperlink to the S-Tranzit site as the primary source and preserving the meaning set forth in the document. This restriction applies equally to all media, including Internet pages. An active hyperlink to the S-Tranzit website should be indicated in the first or second sentences of the document text.
It is prohibited to reprint or retransmit, reproduce, copy and/or distribute in any form on any resources, including on Internet sites, both in its original form and in the form of fragments of documents placed in the category indicate the name of the headings. The rights to use these categories of documents in any form can be obtained only with the written permission of the authors of the documents themselves.
The Company draws special attention of Users to the fact that the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides for civil, administrative and criminal liability for the illegal use of intellectual property objects, including by posting copies or parts of them on the Internet.
The Company has the right to demand payment of a fine in the amount of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) tenge, in case of any unauthorized use of the Site Objects and/or violation of paragraphs 7.3. and 7.4. of these Rules.
The technical requirements presented in this section are given as an example and can be changed or supplemented depending on the requirements of the S-Tranzit website. Requirements for the User's software and hardware:
A valid email address that the User has access to;
At the same time, S-Tranzit does not guarantee and is not responsible for the inability to provide Services due to restrictions on received messages installed by third parties on mail servers, including spam filters that identify the Company's messages as spam or questionable emails.;
A valid cellular number of the mobile operator to which the User has access and has the necessary authority to use it;
The relative smooth operation of the site is possible in the Internet browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 and higher, Opera 10.0 and higher, Mozilla Firefox 10.0 and higher, Google Chrome 10.0 and higher, Safari 5.0 and higher, while the Internet browser settings must support Java script. Otherwise, the Content may be displayed incorrectly and (or) it will be impossible to perform the Stated functions;
Hardware requirements of the software and hardware (computer, terminal, device) of the User corresponding to the requirements of the operating system.
Requirements for communication channels - Internet connection speed from 512 Kbit/s per device. When using communication channels with a lower speed, the efficiency of the S-Tranzit site can be significantly reduced.
This agreement is a full-fledged legally binding agreement between the administration of S-Tranzit and the User, regulates the use of the services provided on the portal.
All disputes and disagreements arising between S-Tranzit and the User are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.